Despite the challenges of these unprecedented times with the on-going pandemic, Illumia Labs (formerly Delphi Technology Corp.) has made a positive impact in demonstrating high standards in corporate sustainability.
Illumia Labs is honoured to have received the Sustainability Impact Corporate Performance award. This award is presented to companies that were exceptional in incorporating sustainable management into business operations by pursuing excellent practices regarding the three sustainable pillars (environmental, social, and governance). Our company was identified by prestigious judging panels as having great potential in bringing impactful, positive social benefits.
The awards ceremony was hosted by the Social Impact Investment and Procurement Foundation for the United Nations (SIIPF-UN) and was held at 2 PM HKT at Miller Theatre, Asia Society Hong Kong Centre on 21st August 2021. Our team at Illumia Labs attended the ceremony virtually.

This award will enable partnership with UN-SDGs online platform registration services, and allow us to receive a referral to ESG/Sustainability Report by competent consultancy. We will also receive a referral to the Green Financiers, which provides financial instrument products, including Green Bond and Sustainability-linked Loans. Illumia Labs will use the Sustainability Impact Corporate Logo on business cards and other marketing materials as well.
The Sustainability Impact Corporate Awards for UNSDGs
The Sustainability Impact Corporate Awards is organized and hosted by Social Impact Investment Procurement Foundation for the United Nations and their co-organizers, S.T.A.R.S. Foundation and JCI Ocean. The Social Impact Investment and Procurement Foundation (SIIPF-UN) works to support and advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The foundation is a non-profit international collaborative platform that facilitates partnerships between United Nations members, international organizations, and their partners. Their co-organizer, S.T.A.R.S Foundation, works to spread the adoption of sustainable practices by assisting science researchers and innovators in developing new products and process that impact the UNSDGs. As for their other co-organizer, JCI Ocean, they are a chapter of the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. Their team develops the correct ideas, skills, and knowledge required for creating the right solutions for local, community issues. These three organizations have come together to form the Sustainability Impact Corporate Awards (SICA) in order to assess and encourage corporations in their contributions of commitment to the UNSDGs.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The United Nations created 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030 Agenda, often known as Global Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are, at its core, an urgent call to action for all nations – developed and developing – to work together in a global partnership. The 17 Global Goals aim to eradicate poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and accelerate economic growth while tackling climate change.
How do we embrace SDGs at Delphi Technology Corp?
At Illumia Labs, we embrace SDGs by incorporating various goals in our product, daily work, clients, and employees. All of our sustainable practices can be seen to support the three pillars of which the SDGs were built upon: social, governance, and environment. Below you will see the methods we undertake to ensure that our company aligns with the sustainable goals of UN.

We achieve this social pillar by practicing SDG Goal 3: Ensuring Good Health and Well-Being. We strive to promote good health in the workplace and our products. In our workplace, we encourage healthy lifestyles among employees by encouraging immunization. For example, we make Covid immunizations a priority and allowing enough time for workers to relax and recover from the vaccination’s effects. When our workers are healthy and disease-free, we can operate more effectively and productively.
We believe education enables socioeconomic mobility upward socioeconomic mobility and is key to escaping poverty. We strive to achieve Goal 4: Providing Quality Education by ensuring our virtual platform Illumia Labs provides a child-, disability-, and gender-sensitive virtual learning environment. Due to the adaptive nature of the virtual platform, the Illumia Labs training experience is made accessible and equitable for students of all backgrounds. Regardless of gender, age, learning style or skill, Illumia Labs’s well-structured programs equip each a similar learning experience to all of our other users.
According to United Nations, gender equality is a fundamental human right. At Illumia Labs we ensure an Open-Minded and Inclusive Environment. We recognize the significance of educating employees about their role in our company environment and the attitudes that shape it. We routinely conduct transparent and private discussions on topics centered around workplace behaviour to bring gender equality issues into prominence. During these discussions, we encourage verbal feedback and evaluation for employees to constructively reflect on their subconscious work attitudes and re-orient themselves to adopt increased self-awareness.

At Illumia Labs we showcase governance through SDG Goal 8: Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. We work tirelessly to ensure equal work opportunities for all employees. We promote transparency in all communications, such as announcing new jobs or opportunities to all employees in our regular public meetings, regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, or past work ethic. This approach gives people the freedom to assess their skills and apply for jobs based on their definition of competence rather than someone else’s. Illumia Labs makes it a point to determine just an individual’s proven merit to guarantee fairness in selection.

As our whole team works remotely from the comfort of their own homes, we achieve the criteria of the environmental pillar by practicing SDG Goal 13: Fighting Climate Change. We do so by reducing commuting to work. Commuting to work is a necessity for many Canadians. According to a 2016 Statistics Canada survey, 12.6 million Canadians reported driving to work, with an average commute duration of 24 minutes. We contribute to carbon reductions by having fewer commutes and working remotely.
Additionally, we pursue SDG Goal 12: Ensuring sustainable consumption and production by digitizing our papers. The University of Waterloo reports that the typical Canadian consumes seven trees and 308 kilos of paper per year. Our virtual employees use less paper since most of our digital documents decrease the quantity of paper our business typically purchases and uses each year.
About Delphi Technology Corp
Founded in 2020, the team at Illumia Labs is developing products and services to be the technological standard of adaptive aviation training. With Illumia Labs, students and aviation companies engage in self-paced learning experiences and solutions utilizing virtual-, augmented-, and mixed-reality technology. Illumia Labs attracts investors and partners as it investigates cutting-edge virtual reality education and training technology.
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